Workers’ Compensation

  • Workers' Compensation

    Workers’ compensation entitles you to medical care, weekly income benefits, and rehabilitation in the event of an injury suffered on the job. Many types of injuries are covered, ranging from a basic slip and fall accident to a loss of hearing, stroke, or injuries caused by repeated strain. Workers’ compensation benefits are typically paid for by your employer’s insurance company. Even so, the moment you file a rightful workers’ compensation claim, you and your employer are in an adversarial relationship. They may ask you to give statements about your injury without an attorney present or sign documents or even agree to a quick settlement. They may also try to convince you that you have a preexisting injury that precludes you from receiving workers’ compensation. Employers and their insurers have many devious methods which they may use to save themselves money, denying you the full compensation to which you may be entitled.

    Workers’ compensation laws are complex and full of legalese that are often read to the benefit of the employer. Without an experienced workers’ compensation attorney, you will have to deal with crafty insurance adjusters or company lawyers on your own. These people are trained professionals whose job depends on protecting the insurance company’s rights and interests, not yours. As dedicated workers’ compensation lawyers, we aggressively cut through all of the bureaucratic red tapes in order to get you on the road to physical and financial recovery.